From Blogging to Long Covid to Art Therapy

I started blogging when I was on maternity leave with my middle child. Twitter was such a huge support in those early days of motherhood and blogging was the new diary. I started blogging on the 21st of January 2010 and my first post was Tyler's birth. After that I was addicted. Hundreds of blog posts, experiences, reviews and so many photos I lost count, but all had to come to an abrupt end.

I stopped writing on the blog back in October 2020 when I first got covid. I was too ill at first and this didn't improve for a long time. Then I had no energy for anything other than getting through the day. I was unfortunately diagnosed with long covid, and have been battling this ever since.

However, I'm excited to share that I've rediscovered my passion for drawing, especially amidst my journey with long covid. Drawing has become my sanctuary, a space where I can unleash my creativity and find solace within my current physical limitations.

Among all subjects, trees hold a special place in my heart. Their intricate forms, the twists and turns of their branches, and the sheer diversity in their shapes and sizes never fail to captivate me. When I draw them, I aim to capture every detail - from the sturdy trunk that grounds us, prompting reflection, to the sprawling branches that breathe life into the world, inviting us to pause, inhale deeply, and find peace in their presence.

Drawing has become not just a hobby, but a form of therapy for me. It allows me to navigate the challenges of long covid while embracing the beauty and tranquillity that nature, particularly trees, offer. And I wanted to share it with you.

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